Equipment Contact Tool Category Location
Brewer Photoresist Spinners 1 & 2 Brianna Portillo Lithography 1224A8
Heidelburg uPG101 Laser Lithography System Brianna Portillo Lithography 1224A8
Laurell Photoresist Spinner Brianna Portillo Lithography 1224B4
NPGS Electron Beam Lithography Ryan Anderson Lithography 1249
Sky 335R6 Heated-Roller Laminator Ryan Anderson Lithography 1274
IntlVac Nanoquest IBE/RIBE/CAIBE Dr. Vishal Narang Etch 1224A2
PlasmaTherm Apex SLR RIE Dr. Vishal Narang Etch 1224B2
PlasmaTherm Apex SLR RIE/ICP Dr. Vishal Narang Etch 1224B2
PlasmaTherm Versaline Deep Silicon Etcher Dr. Vishal Narang Etch 1224A6
PlasmaTherm Vision 320 RIE Dr. Vishal Narang Etch 1224B2
Xactix XeF2 Etcher Dr. Vishal Narang Etch 1224B2
Yield Engineering Systems G500 O2/Ar Plasma Etcher Dr. Vishal Narang Etch 1224A6
IntlVac Nanochrome I Ebeam/Thermal Evaporator Dr. Chan Ho Kim Thin Film Deposition 1224A6
Picosun R-200 Plasma Enhanced ALD Dr. Vishal Narang Thin Film Deposition 1224A1
PlasmaTherm Versaline HDPCVD Dr. Chan Ho Kim Thin Film Deposition 1224B3
PlasmaTherm Vision 310 PECVD Dr. Chan Ho Kim Thin Film Deposition 1224A1
Quorum Tech Q150RES Gold/Carbon Sputter Coater Ryan Anderson Thin Film Deposition 1249
4 point probe Ryan Anderson Metrology 1224A3
Bruker Dektak XT Dr. Vishal Narang Metrology 1224B1
HP 4155A Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer and Probe Station Ryan Anderson Metrology 1224A3
J.A. Woollam M-2000 Ellipsometer Dr. Chan Ho Kim Metrology 1224A3
Nanometrics Nanospec Dr. Vishal Narang Metrology 1224B1
Carl Zeiss Axiotron Microscope Ryan Anderson Microscopy and Micro Analysis 1224A6
FEI Nova NanoSEM 430 Ryan Anderson Microscopy and Micro Analysis 1249
FEI Scios Dual Beam FIB/SEM Ryan Anderson Microscopy and Micro Analysis 1249
Nikon TMS Infrared Microscope Dr. Vishal Narang Microscopy and Micro Analysis 1274
Oxford EDS and EBSD Ryan Anderson Microscopy and Micro Analysis 1249
Nitrogen Glove Box Ryan Anderson Cleaning and Preparation 1224A6
Nova Scan Technologies UV Ozone Cleaner Ryan Anderson Cleaning and Preparation 1224A2
Semitool Spin Rinsers Brianna Portillo Cleaning and Preparation 1224B2
Ultra T SCSx124 Substrate Cleaning System Dr. Vishal Narang Cleaning and Preparation 1274
Disco DAD 321 Dicing Saw Dr. Chan Ho Kim Packaging 1241
EVG 501 Wafer Bonder Dr. Vishal Narang Packaging 1274
EVG 810 Plasma Activation Dr. Vishal Narang Packaging 1274
Ficontec FL-300 Optoelectronic/Flip Chip Die Bonder Packaging 1242
Nordson DAGE 4000 Bond Tester System Ryan Anderson Packaging 1242
Tousimis AutoSamdri 815 Critical Point Dryer Ryan Anderson Packaging 1224A6
West Bond 7700E Ball Bonder Ryan Anderson Packaging 1249
Allwin AW610 Rapid Thermal Processor Dr. Chan Ho Kim Thermal Processing 1224B1
Annealsys As-One RTP Dr. Chan Ho Kim Thermal Processing 1224A5
Programmable Oven for Wafer Bonding Ryan Anderson Thermal Processing 1224A8
EVG 620-mask aligner Brianna Portillo Lithography 1274
GCA 8500 i-line Stepper Ryan Anderson Lithography 1242
Karl Suss MA4-1 and MA4-2 Brianna Portillo Lithography 1224A8
Plasma Equip. Tech. Services (PETS) RIE Dr. Vishal Narang Etch 1224A6
CHA E-beam Evaporator Dr. Chan Ho Kim Thin Film Deposition 1224A6
Lesker Labline Sputter System Dr. Chan Ho Kim Thin Film Deposition 1224A6